During this challenging period, we are focused on ensuring our clients and staff are supported in every way.
Following the announcement of the Government guidelines, our staff are now working from home and you can stay connected to us by e-mail and telephone.
As the situation progresses, we want to emphasise that we continue to be here to help in every way possible.
Our team has been on hand, remotely assisting our clients throughout the various challenges, assisting in the applications of the different support schemes as well as maintaining all processes that continue regardless, all while strictly adhering to the Government guidelines.
Due to the current situation, our working practices continue to evolve to meet your requirements. Where possible we will carry out our work electronically whilst adhering to the same high operational standards and welcome your co-operation with this where possible.
We have lots of ways we are communicating information throughout this period. We have been e-mailing out this key information and you can also access it through our news section on our website as well as through our Facebook pages.
Thank you and stay safe
The Directors