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Business Planning

Successful business planning for all sectors of industry

Whether you’re bringing a brand new start-up to the market or you’re looking to obtain investment for an on-going organisation, we at FourM can help you create coherent, relevant business plans that say just what you want them to say. These can then be used to make the right impression with banks, investors and other financial bodies.

We have helped both small and large companies to create accurate business plans in the past, and we know how important it is to ensure all the bases are covered. We start by asking who the business plan is aimed at, and work from there to ensure the document says all it needs to say.

With our help, your organisation can have a plan that maps out the beginnings of a successful future, highlighting potential issues along the way and pointing out possible gains as the company progresses. Business planning is never about one single document, of course, and FourM can adapt and adjust plans as and when necessary.

Business planning that’s tailored to your specific needs

The type of business plan you need will depend on your own individual circumstances, the sector of industry you are working in and the form of funding that you seek. Generally, a comprehensive business plan will include any or all of the following:

• A business overview
• Goods and services offered
• Marketing plans
• Analysis of the market
• Analysis of the competition
• Financial plans
• Projections

…and more. If you are in any doubt about what you want to include, just talk to our friendly team on 01382 480 488 or 01224 649 918 and we can go through the issues with you. Even in the most detailed business plans, clarity is a must, so specialist help will always be an advantage.

The best business plans, the ones that bring the most success, are the ones which are written with the audience in mind. Potential lenders and investors need to know that their outlay is justifiable, and with accurate plans they can find the peace of mind they seek. We have the knowledge and experience to bring your business plans to life, helping you to impress the people that matter right from the start.

If you would like to find out more about business planning from the experts, have a chat with us today. Our specialists can be contacted via email at info@four-m.co.uk or by phone on 01382 480 488 or 01224 649 918 . We look forward to speaking with you.

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